WING September Meeting – Social Media Savvy!!!

5 Sep

Join us as Interior Decorator and fellow WING woman, Allison Jaffe, speaks to us about her success using social media to her advantage! She has an amazing business and can show us just how we, too, can use social media tools and tips to take our career and business goals to the next level! Feel free to bring wine, etc. and snacks and invite your friends and colleagues on September 24th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at Posh Co-Working.




“Social media, like your business, should be molded into what you want out of it. Don’t feel pressured to utilize every social media tool out there. Test them all, be selective and use what fits best for your business” -Allison Jaffe

Allison Jaffe Interior Design is an award-winning full-service interior design firm serving Austin, Texas, and surrounding areas. Allison Jaffe, the creative force behind every project, has been in the interior design field for over five years. Allison’s fresh and inventive outlook allows her to execute the perfect design for each client. Her firm’s strong emphasis on client-designer collaboration makes each project uniquely successful.

In every project, Allison’s clients inspire her with their culture, passions and life experiences. She notes that she definitely has her own set of personal interests but it is not for her to inject them into the design for her client. Instead she injects her experience and knowledge of design. Using her expertise, Allison acts as a guide, helping each of her clients distinguish their needs to then make the best decisions possible for their home. Allison also notes that she does not subscribe to one niche of design and the ability to flex her imaginative muscle in all styles of interior design keeps each job exciting.

WING Meeting on August 27th – Focused or Frazzled!?

6 Aug


Let’s face it – we are BUSY ladies and some days just get away from us!  Susan Tolles, founder of Flourish Over 50, has the secret to reining in those overwhelming moments and turning our frazzled daze into focused energy!

Join us on August 27th to hear Susan’s five keys to finding the right balance when you are overworked, over-stressed and overwhelmed.

Today’s women are leading fast-paced lives trying to be “manager of the universe,” juggling home and family as busy professionals, community volunteers and caregivers. Life seems overwhelming, and they often lose themselves in the frenzy of everyday existence. Rarely do women stop to take care of themselves, and when they finally do, they are physically, emotionally and spiritually depleted.

Following Susan’s five key steps will help us FOCUS to calm the chaos when we are overworked, overstressed and out of balance.
We will walk away with:
· Tools to help us live at peak potential by nourishing the mind, body and spirit
· Life-changing strategies to remain focused and organized when chaos is all around
· A deep understanding of the power of “choice,” and its effect on their personal and professional lives
· One simple, yet powerful word for reducing stress and achieving higher productivity

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SUSAN TOLLES is a Master in Midlife Reinventions, and as Founder of Flourish Over 50, a powerful role model who “walks her talk!” As a Certified Dream Coach®, professional speaker , author, and internationally-recognized expert for women over 50, she is dedicated to inspiring and equipping women of all ages with the confidence and tools to find clarity, purpose and simplicity as they pursue the life of their dreams.

Please feel free to bring your beverage of choice and snacks and get ready for a fun and informative time with your fellow WING women!

Posh Coworking 

August 27th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm

WING Meeting July 30th – Building Your Bombshell Brand with Ellie Scarborough Brett

23 Jul



Are you ready to ignite your brand –– bombshell style? 
FACT: Women who master the art of creating a personal brand have more fun, make more money and grow bigger empires than their competitors!! 
Ellie will take us through the top 5 MUSTS in creating a personal brand filled with passion & purpose. She will share her story of how she created a unique brand based on her own strengths and built it into two thriving businesses. She will also share her bombshell code of conduct. We will walk away with homework to help get us get started on creating own brand & how to get her personal—FREE– feedback. Check out her site here:

YOU have a brand to build that’s incredibly valuable + 100% unique. Let’s shape your messaging so your brand speaks to people’s hearts, makes you money and improves your relationships with your clients. 

Where: Posh Coworking 
When: Tuesday, July 30th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm 
Info: Bring your beverage of choice and get ready for a great evening! 

WING Gives Back – We are Girls 2013

16 Jul

In 2010, WING decided to give back to the Austin community and organize a session at the “We are Girls Conference” organized by GENAustin. It was such a powerful experience for the women of WING, we have decided to give it another go this year!

GENaustin’s mission is to support and guide girls to make wise choices as they navigate the unique pressures they will face as girls. The We are Girls Conference is a statewide annual event that helps girls explore the issues of bullying, body image and being a girl. Through their skill building workshops and dynamic presentations, girls in grades 5-12 are exposed to topics that inspire and educate them to be better versions of themselves.

We are excited to propose a workshop for this year’s We are Girls Conference in the fall!

Our mission at WING is to empower young business women to connect motivate and educate through programs, meetings and philanthropy. So GENaustin’s conference is a perfect fit.


This year the conference will be held at Austin High School on November 9th. This is an all day event, with a general session, keynote speaker and breakout sessions.

We are in the process of proposing a workshop for the conference so please stay posted on our progress! Get involved if you are passionate about this, too.

Here are some links, and details about the “We Are Girls Conference” and GENAustin.



Why they exist

Get Involved

We are Girls Conference

WING August Featured Member ~ Carla Thompson, Sharp Skirts

1 Aug

Name: Carla Thompson

Business Name:  Sharp Skirts

Contact Info:  /  /  512.827.9256

What I Do:  I run a network for women entrepreneurs, Sharp Skirts. We provide online and offline resources to help women build smarter businesses.

How Long I’ve Been in Business:  I launched Sharp Skirts in May 2010. Prior to that, I worked in emerging technology for over  15 years, helping all manner of startups build smarter businesses.

Why I Love What I Do:  It’s extremely good for the soul to help people empower themselves. I receive a pretty regular stream of communications along the lines of, “Thank you so much for trying to make a difference in the world”  when I feel like I’m fighting an uphill battle – and that is pretty regular too.  Those kind of sentiments get me through.

A Little Something Else I’d Like to Share with the World:  The empowerment of women in business can effect a profound shift in economic fortunes around the world. More and more people are realizing that, which is fantastic! But we’re not even close to finished.  When the old-school establishment finally wakes up to this fact, the business landscape will be changed permanently and for the better.

Why I Love WING:  For obvious reasons, I belong to very few women’s groups. Due to the nature of my business I don’t want to show favoritism to one over the others. And by the end of the day, frankly, I want to think about anything but!  When I spoke at WING a few months go, though, I immediately loved the energy of the group and the enthusiasm they bring to their businesses.  It’s now a must-attend on my calendar!